If you don’t know your identity, you will live in deformity.

How true this is! Your identity is who you are, and who you are is a function of your purpose on earth. Many people don’t have the slightest knowledge of their purpose on earth. Indeed, the word purpose does not exist in their dictionary, hence, their present predicament.

I saw a young man very presentable physically and with such a glorious destiny from the little I saw of him. I was so interested in having a conversation with him to be sure he knew about himself. What I got was a huge shock. He was just about his good looks and nothing more.

This is the case with many young and even old people. Many destinies have been truncated because the carriers didn’t, and don’t know what they carry. Their identity isn’t known to them. They all desire to be known as someone important which isn’t out of place as man was created in the image and likeness of God, but the way to get there have been hidden from them. Why?

Environment combines effectively with gene to determine one’s character as postulated by scientists. This is very true. Environment, if allowed, hardly give anything good. Though nature knew no sin, nature has been corrupted by mankind. So, people in our environment , especially the ones whose minds have been seared with hot iron of spiritual wickedness, have handed many destinies difficult tasks which they must fulfill before they came become what God wants them to become.

Those tasks are usually impossible to accomplish since spiritual matters cannot be accomplished with physical strength. Such is the reason many are living below the standard of their natural and spiritual endowment. Your uniqueness is your destiny. You’re destined for greatness. God created all of us in His imagine and likeness. Trust me, God isn’t small and didn’t make small man. We allowed natural wickedness orchestrated by the devil through the instrumentality of human beings to truncate, terminate, and annihilate Destinies (John 10:10).

Your destiny is your uniqueness. On weekly basis, if Jesus tarries, we shall be looking at Destinies and how to fulfill them.

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